Track of the Week 1: 'See You' by Depeche Mode

Kicking off this (hopefully) regular feature with a classic track from those Basildon lads, Depeche Mode. On hearing their new album (a gritty, industrial offering full of raucous instrumental sections and smothered with bitty vocal effects) its hard to believe that back in 1982, they were declaring that all they wanted to do was 'see your sweet smile/smile the way it was before'. Nevertheless, the innocence of the lyrics, cautious synth hook and eerily dark undertone is a genuinely delightful combination, and makes for a track that not only powered its way to no. 6 in the UK charts at the time of its release, but that has also undeniably stood the test of time.
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P.S. If this blog decides to behave itself, you should be able to have a listen to the track of the week via the music player near the top right of the screen. Obviously I don't own any of the music that I post on here, and all copyright goes to whoever *does* own it. Or maybe Martin Gore, who wrote the track.