OMD at Rough Trade
Rough Trade East Record Shop, London

I have to say I feel extremely privileged at the moment- over the last seven days it has been something of an OMD overload (in the best possible way of course!) New album, brilliant news about them being no. 3 in the mid-week album charts, plus seeing them play live and meeting Andy and Paul twice in one week. And the thing is, it never gets old. Every performance Andy and Paul do is different; even if they're playing the same set (they did mix it up a bit tonight which was nice!) they give so much energy and are clearly having so much fun that it is impossible for any performance to be the same as another. Saying that, although I loved the set tonight (old favourites like 'Enola Gay' and 'Electricity' were mixed in with new tracks like 'One More Time' and 'What Have We Done'), I did feel it was a shame that they had dropped 'Robot Man' which is a definite favourite of mine from the new album. I did actually manage to get Paul's set list though (the one that was stuck to the stage) so funnily enough it didn't bother me too much!

Another interesting thing that was happened was that myself and my friend Andrew (as well as various other fans standing in the queue outside the shop) were interviewed for a documentary that will apparently be shown on BBC4 early next year. We asked what the documentary was about, and apparently the subject is 'the music business and how it has changed' and that sort of thing. Although I'm sure that any footage of me included will be terribly embarrassing (especially as I was, yet again, wearing the apparently infamous 'Dazzle Shirt') it will be interesting to see how the programme turns out. Anyway, as usual the gig was brilliant, and it was lovely to have a chat to Andy and Paul afterwards too (and also before in Paul's case; I was hanging around in the shop waiting to pick up my wristband to get in and he said hello to me...I nearly fell over in shock!). One of the highlights though was definitely Andy saying how much he loved my enthusiasm for the band; to have your favourite musician say that about you is genuinely one of the best feelings in the world. 🎶 So thanks again to OMD for a great gig- and here's to many more!