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EP REVIEW: ‘Bite The Bullet’ by MiG 15

As one of a number of synth-driven pop bands from Liverpool who are currently gaining national attention, MiG 15 surely knew that this debut EP needed to showcase more than just basic musical competency in order to for them to keep up with their contemporaries (groups like The Peach Fuzz and The Tea Street Band). 

Fortunately, they’ve been able to deliver. 

EP opener ‘Bite the Bullet’ makes for a refreshingly mature confession of love; rather than pleading naïve ignorance as songs of youthful adoration often do, both lyrically (“It’s hard to break away from a feeling that you’ve become used to”) and musically, the band know exactly what they’re doing on this track. 

Despite this, however, it’s the retro romanticism of the EP’s second track ‘Dials’ that steals the show here. Previously released as the b-side of ‘Bite the Bullet’, it manages to simultaneously evoke the timeless sentiment of 1950s drive-in movies, the futurism of a sci-fi film soundtrack and the ominous intrigue of an early-‘80s post-punk single, whilst still retaining its freshness with every listen. 

Oddly perhaps, the final two songs of the EP – the ebullient ‘Cellophane Girl’ and catchy ‘Well Oiled Machines’ – are labelled as demos. However, although that means they may carry less weight as musical statements on this release, the tracks do serve as indicators of MiG’s long-term potential, as well as the notable ear songwriters Adam Bray and James McCluskey clearly have for an alluring melody. 

The fact is that with a little refinement from the right producer, both of these tracks (along with others from their live set that the band have yet to take into the studio) could easily be brought up to the standard of the first two on this EP; if that does turn out to be the case, then MiG 15 may find themselves armed and more than ready to become the new ‘number one with a bullet’ band to watch on the burgeoning Liverpool electro-pop scene.

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You can stream Bite The Bullet on Spotify via the link below:





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